I've taken the time to paint these marines how I originally intended, and will be going back to my previous miniatures to bring them up to scratch. New details are as follows:
- These units are from the 4th Company, Angels of Fortitude. To show this, the company number is now emblazoned onto the chapter symbol of each shoulder pad.
- Each Marine's suit of Power Armour is as much an ancient and revered relic as it is an item of protection. Heroic deeds are chronicled by the artificer to be proudly worn alongside the discipline and Chapter symbols. These are seen as the italic script on the shoulder pads.
- Purity Seals. More a slap on my own wrist - whether these are Oaths of the Moment (See Horus Heresy novels), or Purity Seals; there would very well be something written on them! I had a previous habit of leaving them blank (abet shaded), which unless the battle brother intending to use it for autographs from the Command Squad, wouldn't make much sense.
And now we just need someone to lead this happy bunch of Warrior Monks!
Considering I am currently aiming for a 500pt army, I felt that the large cost of a Captain wouldn't allow me to tool him up effectively without seriously impacting the rest of my list, so I have decided to go with a more cost-effective solution of a Librarian: